Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Mücklich

  • Studies and doctorate (1980-85, 1985-88) Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, Bergakademie Freiberg, Germany

  • Postdoc and group leader (1990-91, 1992-95) MPI for Metal Research (Stuttgart),

  • University Professor (since 1995) Functional Materials, Saarland University (3 further calls rejected)

  • Founding Director (since 2009): Material Engineering Center Saarland, Steinbeis Research Center.

Main research interests

  • Microstructure research on the micro, nano and atomic scale,

  • Surface functionalization by Extended Direct Laser Interference Patterning (xDLIP)

  • New concepts for high performance metallic materials.


  • h=54
  • >11 000 citations
  • 13 patents

Functions (selection)


  • Supervisory Board Saarländische Wagniskapital-Gesellschaft (SWG)
  • Economic Advisory Board Saarländische Landesbank (SaarLB)
  • Internationalization Committee of Saarland University
  • Managing Director of Saarland University Society
  • Saarland Ambassador


  • Spokesman acatech for the thematic network Materials Science and Engineering (since 2021)
  • President of the German Society for Materials Science (2019-20)
  • Humboldt Foundation, Feodor Lynen Selection Committee (2006-2015).


  • Editor Practical Metallography – Preparation, Imaging and Analysis of Microstructures (De Gruyter Verlag, monthly, est. 1963).
  • Board of Directors, IMS of the American Society for Materials (2015-18)
  • Conference Chair: MSE2018 (Darmstadt); EUROMAT2013 (Seville), MSE2008 (Nürnberg); German-American Frontiers of Science (1999)

Awards (selection)

  • Member, German Academy of Science and Engineering

  • Fellow, American Society for Materials (FASM),

  • Prizes: Henry Clifton Sorby Award (Microstructure Research, ASM, USA), Berthold Leibinger Award (Laser Innovation, D), Roland Mitsche Award (Microstructure Research, D+A), Werner Köster Award (DGM, D), Morton Antler Award (IEEE, USA), German Copper Prize (DKI, D), Alfried Krupp Sponsorship Award (Krupp Foundation, D), Masing Memorial Award (DGM, D).