We invite you to discover the fascinating world of materials and learn why thorough, objective and complete material analysis is crucial!
As part of our advanced training course “Materialanalyse im Wandel: Tradition trifft KI” with the DGM, you will be introduced to methods that make it possible to precisely and objectively identify, quantify and interpret the internal structure of materials.
Moderated by our training managers Dominik Britz, Frank Mücklich and Martin Müller, you can expect exciting presentations on the basics, correlative microscopy, conventional segmentation, AI-supported material analysis, data infrastructure and image processing as well as a wide range of practical exercises.
The training is not only suitable for scientists, engineers and technicians, but also for managers and sales staff and anyone with a basic technical understanding who would like to benefit from materials-oriented training!
📅 October 08 – 10, 2024
📍 MECS, Steinbeis Research Center, Campus D3.3, 66123 Saarbrücken
🖥 Online participation via the DGM’s browser-based conference platform
Participants can already access the following online lectures in advance in order to optimally prepare for the upcoming event:
Praktische Einführung in die Bildverarbeitungssoftware ImageJ und Fiji
Praktische Einführung in Jupyter Notebooks
Einführung in die Werkzeuge der Werkstoffanalyse: Lichtmikroskopie
Einführung in die Werkzeuge der Werkstoffanalyse: Rasterelektronenmikroskopie
Einführung in die Werkzeuge der Werkstoffanalyse: und Focused Ion Beam Methoden
Use this opportunity to further develop your company technologically and gain a competitive advantage!
⏰ Access to registration will follow shortly!